The trip from Kumasi to Nsawam went fine and i was surprised to catch myself laughing while watching Nigerian films, during this trip they were entertaining, not aggrevating! Fighting with the key board in case you're wondering about missed out letters... However, the Nigerian fils...It's very simple plots (prince meets poor maid... that type of thing), it's sweet, not too much drama (meanig one doesn't have to sit watching a woman crying and screaming for ten minutes). An old man got on a while after Kumasi, wearing a traditional dress including a small hat (and is from what i can tell) worn by muslims. I caught him peeking at me a few times. I looked like he had laughed a lot in his life, but the eyes also revelaed something else i couldn't define. I would very much gave like to speak to him. There was somethng about him, with his tiny grey beard and expressful, though mysterious, eyes. I had asked the driver to stop in this tiny village, before Accra, and when i got off he got me a taxi. Because my trip continued to Aburi. The first part was asphalted, the other part, while going higher up in the mountains, were not. The landscape in this area is... there are no words to describe. The views are breathtaking. Small mud huts and houses in the villages, people sitting outside their houses looking at the ubruni in the taxi's backseat (who was trying hard not to scream "please slow down!!"). Chickens and goats running alongside the road. The driver might even have run over one chicken. He turned around to look. I didn't. Colourful small birds are flying by... It's beautiful. It's Africa.
Every turn when climbing the mountains, on sandy roads, the taxi driver was blowing the horn frenetically. I caught myself thinking i'm grateful we were closer to the protecting walls (and not to the slopes on the other). But then i thought of the risk of sand falling down due to the noice of the horn... I look up in the sky, which gave the impression like a storm was coming in... I decided to let my worries go. We found the hotel, after passing the village of Aburi. Wow. The hotel was very simple, but it had a fantastic view over a wodded valley from the terrasse. I sat there having dinner on my first night while the sun went down. It gets really dark here. But as it got darker the lights from Accra and Tema appeared on the other side of the mountains... Accra is only 35 km away, but due to the quality of the roads, the vehicles but above all due to the heavy traffic the guide says it takes anywhere in between 30 minutes to one hour (i now know it can take a lot longer, arrived in Accra after over two hours travelling in a taxi, in insane traffic)... Anyway, to continue my reflections that i wrote on Wednesday... I was very glad to be out of the city of Kumasi. I fell asleep to the sound of crickets (after having a very unpleasant meeting with a cockroach in the shower in the evening and later in the morning when it decided to fall on the chair placed right next to my bed, YAK!)... I liked it there in the mountains. Sitting on that terrasse looking out over the there-are-no-words-for-how-beautiful-it-is valley with a drink... It makes my mind slow down. I found a moment of peace in that place.
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