fredag 13 mars 2009

Botanical garden

The other day i read that Kumasi is called the Garden of Ghana, this region is truly beautiful if considering the landscape. The city is not that impressive, to me. However, today i went to the University of Kumasi, which focuses on science and technology. They also have a botanical garden. To me, this country is a botanical garden so it was funny to see a fenced area with a big sign that stated: Botanical Garden... Before i went there i went for a walk through one part of the campus, and while i was sitting waiting for my lunch (fried rice and chicken, yum!) and observing two hawks gliding over the land an older woman, Maggie a retired teacher, sat down with me and started chatting. She was very nice, i think she felt sorry for me sitting there all by myself, the cantine was empty! So we had a chat, i bought her a cake (first time we both tried this cake! But she had been told by others it is very good.) and then she made sure to put me in a taxi that would take me to the botanical garden. She was really sweet Maggie. I went for a stroll in the botanical garden and i heard people singing, oh how nice i thought, walking with my camera taking pictures of magnificent trees and flowers. All of a sudden i realised this place is not only a botanical garden, but a place where sacred happenings take place, people singing halleluja and when i saw a group of men in the distance performing some sort of exorcising on a woman, touching her forehead, she falling backwards, in the arms of the men i turned around. I thought i shouldn't really be there. So i left and went for a long walk to another part of the campus and then i took a taxi back to the city, bought a recording device for my excursion that i hope will take place next week.
I went for a stroll in the city, had a look at the cathedral again... Once again it hit me that I am very grateful to be able to make this trip, and also for what i have in my life. It is said that it is through the other that we see ourselves.
Then something funny happened, all of a sudden i here someone shouting at me and i look up and who is there but the taxi driver who drove me to the university?! In the second largest city in Ghana this happened... We discovered we share an interest in music so we had a enjoyable ride out, part from the moment when a tro-tro (small bus) almost backed into is, in a crossing... He drove me to my area, and i tipped him a bit extra for being so great and he was all smiles!
Now it's time to go back to the hotel, have a drink and a shower and plan for tomorrow. I hope to be able to leave the city and go hiking by a lake that is said to be situated in a very beautiful area.
Have a nice weekend!

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